Friday, January 14, 2011

Day One

After a last supper of biblical proportions -spaghetti, beers, red wine and ice cream i awoke this morning to start this project off.

I punched out the excercises slower than i thought i would, has been a while since i've done a "proper" pushup. Skipping was also harder than i thought it would be, found myself tripping over myself and losing time quite a bit but i think a few more sessions and it will be fine.

The half food thing has been 'ok' still trying to get the head around leaving perfectly good food on my plate but i guess i better get used to it. I'm skipping the drink altogether this week...i think i've had more than enough over the silly season.

THis blogging thing is new to me so hopefully my writing skills will get better as we go along.

Over and out.

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