Friday, January 28, 2011

Day 15

JUst back from the gym...and feeling very clear minded and fresh .usually saturday would involve sleeping in after a late night out followed by dim sum and a couch such thing this weekend of course.

Excercise wise the skipping was ok. finding i get to 60-80 jumps before i get tangled and need to start again but getting to 800 eventually . finding i loose count very easily, maybe because i mix up the pace a bit and get easily distracted....anyone else get this?

Other excercises are getting easier i am doing them all at the gym with light weights.
the one that killed me today was the last set of 12 push-ups , first three were find but that last set was to failure so had to do the last few on my knees (ouch!)

Diet is going well, was out for japanese last night w friend s and managed to keep true to the diet and no booze (sushimi salmon and tuna and vegetable salad and sml amnt of steamed rice and several bottles of mineral water) although unable to measure quantities which is a little frustrating maybe the wife should carry a purse scale with her next time...that would be handy.

Physically feeling stronger and fitter.noticing my thighs/shoulders/arms have more definition . still alot of work to do to loose my gut....think this is going to be the hard part.

will post a photo this afternoon.

stay strong people. have a great weekend !

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

wednesday 26th Jan

Spent all day yesterday in bed with fever, aches/pains....posible withdrawls???
 or just a Hong Kong virus?
woke up much better today so went straight to the gym and got my excercises done.

dropped 3 kgs so far and getting thru the push ups/skipping much easier. still dont see too many results in the mirror but i guess we're only day 13...

i found this page i think you guys might find it interesting regarding symptoms of fat burning/ketosis

Sunday, January 23, 2011

MOnday January 24th 2011

Will need to make my food more interesting to stay true to the project. Lacking some flavor at the moment.
Is anyone experiencing headaches/lethargy??

excersises tonight at the gym. hopefull i punch them up no problem.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Sunday 23rd January- ouch...

Day two of the DIET proper. think the amount of food is fine and very manageable although battling to think of an appopriate breakfast vegatable???? any ideas guys??

jump ropes getting a bit more fluid now and getting out the reps without as many trips/stopages...

other excersises also good to get thru. doing mine at the gym so keeping the weight light on the rows. bicep curls etc.

Lunges today were a killer. 4 x 15 is 4x30 right?? one rep is a lunge on both legs?

hope everyone is having a great weekend. chat soon.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011


Not feeling too bad at all...

Had dinner last night and watched everyone down beer ande wine was a bit painful !

wondering whether i should be having some pizza/ takeout (half size of course) before the new diet starts this weekend.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

17th January

JUst threw away half my lunch...wasnt too tasty anyway.

will do my excercises after work. need to unleash the beast!

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Sunday day two...

Hope everyone is having a great weekend!

Pulled up a bit sore after the lunges this morning, and still no better on the jump rope.
Is a batle to hold back on eating my regular servings especially at lunch today (i love sushimi...) but managed anyway.

Popped by my mates pub this morning for a coffee, it seems not many people reckon i can do this 3 months away from the booze. I WILL PROVE THEM ALL WRONG!!

Quite interested to see what is in store for us in PCP proper when we get out diets and start having to measure our food. Going to be intense.

Does anyone know if we are able to drink coffee on the PCP? i darn hope so....

Later guys n girls...

Friday, January 14, 2011

Day One

After a last supper of biblical proportions -spaghetti, beers, red wine and ice cream i awoke this morning to start this project off.

I punched out the excercises slower than i thought i would, has been a while since i've done a "proper" pushup. Skipping was also harder than i thought it would be, found myself tripping over myself and losing time quite a bit but i think a few more sessions and it will be fine.

The half food thing has been 'ok' still trying to get the head around leaving perfectly good food on my plate but i guess i better get used to it. I'm skipping the drink altogether this week...i think i've had more than enough over the silly season.

THis blogging thing is new to me so hopefully my writing skills will get better as we go along.

Over and out.