Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Tuesday 8th Feb- body scan results in...

New excercises , ouch !! squat jumps really work those legs.

1150 jumps was fine even though i had to stop every 100 or so...does anyone use a pedometer to keep count?

diet wise....not feeling too hungry. i miss the booze though i'd kill for some wine or a vodka right now.

got some promising results on my body scan at the gym (how on earth do these things work?)

visceral fat area  VFA (cm^2) down from 160.8 to 131.4 whatever that means....

body fat mass kgs 39.6 kgs to 34.5kgs...

still a long way out but encouraging none the less.

hope everyones doing well and thanks for all the encouragement guys.


  1. Does a pedometer count jumps just as well as it would steps? That's a great idea!

  2. Over 5kg of fat mass gone? No problems there, great work!

  3. The scales work by sending an electric impulse through your body. By measuring how much the charge is impeded by fat it can ballpark your bodyfat.

    They're not terribly accurate but even if the number is wrong the ability to see which way the number is going is a valuable piece of information.

    Fat mass DOWN muscle mass UP. That's all we care about.
