Sunday, February 27, 2011


New week , new diet and excercises...

Feeling like i have a bit of momentum on my side. Diet is going well and excercises are really hard which i guess is a good thing.

JUst ate a big serve of raw vegetables with my lunch, hoping it keeps me full all afternoon.

and another thing....

who has a sore backside? mine is killing me and lunges squat jumps tonight i need to man up !!

Thursday, February 24, 2011


Back in  the groove this week with training and diet, still dropping sml weight but most noticable clothese are getting looser...needing to add a few notches on the belt.

looking fwd to another healthy weekend. cant wait to get out in the sunshine tommorrow then set myself up on the couch to watch the Waratahs/ Reds Match. go the Tahs !!

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Train crash of a weekend....

I flew back to Oz for a mates wedding in the country. To cut it very short i drank and ate and totally deviated from the pcp for two nights in a row. althugh i did manage to get some of the workouts done.

Pretty angry with myself so will try  back into the groove tonight and get more skipping done to try and offset the indulgence..

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Saturday Feb 12th ***One month****

Pretty pleased with my progress this week, clothes are all feeling a bit more lose and noticing less volume in the gut department. Its beeen a month of zero booze , its been 5 yrs since ive had a break like this. Although i wouldnt consider myself to have a "proper" drinking problem i realise now it has been the quickest escape/relaxation mechanism....something i need to consider when i re-introduce "responsible" drinking in a few months time. I have a wedding to attend back in oz next weekend which will be fun, i better make sure i keep a mineral water in my hand and avoid the cold beers...mmmm beer :)

Did my workout this morning. it hurt . 1300 jumps or possibly more...i am terrible at keeping count.
The legs really copped it especially the squat jumps straight after 160 lunges. other excercises fine, sit ups getting much easier (theres muscles in there somewhere..)

Another night at home on the couch, thankfully some rugby to watch so not so bad.

I am really feeling for my wife at the moment, i think this project is probably taking up alot of my atention and my lack of wanting to socialise is probably taking its toll. anyone got any ideas for non drinking activities in HK ? Hows everyones better halves dealig with your projects??

Diet wise i think im going fine, the dinners this week will be interesting a couple of peices of fruit and 2 egg whites??? who wouldve thought...

hope everyone else is doing well and keep it up !!

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Tuesday 8th Feb- body scan results in...

New excercises , ouch !! squat jumps really work those legs.

1150 jumps was fine even though i had to stop every 100 or so...does anyone use a pedometer to keep count?

diet wise....not feeling too hungry. i miss the booze though i'd kill for some wine or a vodka right now.

got some promising results on my body scan at the gym (how on earth do these things work?)

visceral fat area  VFA (cm^2) down from 160.8 to 131.4 whatever that means....

body fat mass kgs 39.6 kgs to 34.5kgs...

still a long way out but encouraging none the less.

hope everyones doing well and thanks for all the encouragement guys.

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Saturday Feb 5

Another week down and feling pretty good !

Although finding it hard to be sociable. went to a chinese new year party last night....watched everyone get hammered while i chugged down the soda waters ....damn.  early doors for me.

Got all the excercises out really well today. Pushed it as hard as i could and really added some pull on those resistance bands (they will snap b4 this is over i think)

Skipping is much easier and getting some pace on so geting done in 15mins ...

Diet is where i am struggling, need to get more orgainised and make things more intersting.

All in all think i am on the right track but alot of work to do.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

1 FEB 2011

February already....

Hopefully i can keep that downward trend in weight. I will get my stats from the fancy machine at the gym tonight.

Cant wait to knock out the excercises and relax at home...its been a long day.

will have lots of time to blog tommorrow (lots of mkts closed for cny hols)

anyone know any health/fitness websites that may be worth checking out?